duminică, 19 iulie 2020

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Modern methods for stimulating reading

   Modern methods for stimulating reading

              Motto: "The book is a promise, a joy, a journey through souls, thoughts and beauties."
                                                                                                                          (Tudor Arghezi)
Reading a book is a proof of great responsibility, because reading is the main tool
in acquiring a richer language, a high, nuanced expression and is a means to materialize
our ideas,thoughts and feelings.The book must become part of the life of the child from an
early age. It helps children travel the path of knowledge from the concrete to the abstract,
from intuition to representation and fantasy.
With the help of the book, the child discovers tools that can satisfy his desire to discover
the surrounding reality, itself a world. Competence measures knowledge and skills acquired
in the process of learning, application and in this sense it is necessary to use interactive methods
capable of transforming the student into an active participant in reading.
It is good to pursue the transformation of the innocent reader into a competent, knowledgeable,
thirsty reader for reading and knowledge.Language, a high, nuanced expression and is a means
to materialize our ideas,thoughts and feelings.
1.List of readings - is the method that starts from the question What is the book I would also know.
Do you want me to read / reread it and why this one?Write down the titles suggested by the students
on flipchart sheets and make a list of readings.
The list of books is a useful method in arousing the interest for additional reading, the student
having the possibility to choose for himself and for colleagues books that he considers captivating,
motivating his choice according to the paratextual elements offered by the list and his own
2.Bookmark- after the internalized reading of the text, students are asked to complete a bookmark containing 5 work tasks: notation of the first reaction to reading,notation of the retained
idea, a confusion or a question raised by the text ,of a book title they remember while reading,
of the book they would have chosen to get out of the maze.
3.The tree of values ​​- a tree of heroes is drawn, on the leaves is written the name of the hero,
and on the fruit, the values ​​after which it is manifested. It is a method that helps them discover and
become aware of the values ​​of the characters.
4.Anticipations: is a method in which students work in groups or individually.
Starting from the title of the text,students make predictions about the topic of the text, using
halves of pages that will be reviewed after reading the text.
Those who gave answers close to the topic of the text will motivate their choice.
The role of the teacher is to guide, encouraging the plurality of answers, creating an
atmosphere conducive to discussion, respecting the autonomy and opinions of students, etc.
5.The method of quadrants - the board is divided into 4 parts and the students are given the
following requirements:in the first quadrant to make a drawing of the character, in the second
quadrant to write down the feelings aroused by the character, in the thirdquadrant to give advice to
the character, and in the last, to give another name to the character, starting from his features.
6.Poster - the children have the task of making a poster with a figurative presentation of the content
from the text.
7.Extension through writing - the activity can be organized in teams, each team having the task
of composing a text that fits into the logic of the work, for example: to design an additional chapter,
a letter addressed by a character to another character or even addressed by the reader to the main
8.The product of the activity: after reading a text, you can design a poster, a song, a dance,
pantomime, illustrative plates, a poster, a model, etc
9.To capture attention, as an element of entertainment, a photo of a kitten can be placed.
It is the bored student who must be convinced that reading is the best alternative to boredom.
10. Roles given to readers - involves grouping the class into groups of 4-5 students and expecting
to read the same book, playing several roles: animator, clarifier, illustrator, director, researcher,
magician, synthesizer.
    Miron Costin stressed that there is no noble ideal like "reading books", so students must
understand that reading a book means entering a universe of thoughts, ideas and feelings that
enrich the mind and soul.