joi, 19 septembrie 2019

Praslea the brave and the golden apples

Once upon a time, an emperor had a tree with golden apples. He has never tasted them because every year someone stole them. A lot of brave people, including his older sons tried to catch the thief, but they failed. One day, the youngest son, Praslea, decided to to try himself.
        He was the first one to wound the thief with an arrow and to took a few apples, that were given
to his father. Then, he went with his brothers to catch the thief, following
the blood traces and they reached a ravine which leads to the other realm, only
Praslea had the courage to go down. Once arrived, he saw three palaces of monsters. He beat them and saved three princesses. Knowing that his brothers wanted to get rid of him, he let them believe that he died and then he went out
of the ravine with the help of a bird. Earlier, he saved its baby birds.
       After, he reached the empire. He proved his identity with the help of the young girl. He then

took the place of his father and married the loved girl.


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