joi, 19 septembrie 2019

Salt in food

Salt in food
                                                      by Petre Ispirescu

Once upon a time, there was a king who had 3 girls. One day he asked them how much they love him. The first one said that she loves him like honey, the second one said she loves him as sugar and the last one said that she loves him like salt in food. When the king heard that he told her to go. She arrived at a housekeeper’s castle. The girl was hard-working and she became the housekeeper’s helper. One day the king and his son went to war. He came back wounded and the housekeeper asked the girl to take care of him. With love, she healed him. He fell in love with her and wanted to marry her, but his parents didn’t agree. In the end, they approved this wedding and they married. At their wedding, the girl’s father was guest. He gave him only sugar and honey in food. The king ate from the food of his invitations and his. The king found that only his food was sweet. The girl recognized her deed and told her to the wedding guests. After her father apologized, the wedding was held with much joy!

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